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3 thoughts on “Badge manager overview”
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Hi, please login here https://help.xforwoocommerce.com/my-support-tickets/ to read the full post. Thanks.
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On the “Ribbon Full SVG” is it possible to get rid of the exclamation point (!) in the corner?
I’m wondering if there’s a way to rank the badges? I noticed that only one shows up at a time. I would like to rank them as follows:
1. Sale. If an item is on sale, this will always show up first
2. New!. If a new item is on sale, the Sale badge will show, but if it’s not on-sale, the New badge will show.
Hi, I think that’s possible. This plugin has had some changes over the past period, and a lot is possible, however, I’ve also noticed some limitations which we’ll work on in the future. If you need help use the Submit Ticket from the Menu. Thanks!